PEMI LOOP May 17-20th

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Dec 29, 2004
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Malden, MA
Hi all,

I'm taking some time off to do a 4-day Pemi loop. I'm looking at May 17-20th (Tues-Friday) but have flexibility to shift it a day of so if weather demands it.

Day 1 - Wilderness trail to Osseo to Liberty Springs
Day 2 - Franconia Trail to Garfield Ridge trail to GR shelter
Day 3 - Over twinway to Guyot shelter
Day 4 - Out over the bonds

Lotsa NH4K peaks. Will hopefully beat the crowds and most of the bugs. Any interest in joining along for the trip or any part? I tend to hike at a leisurely to moderate pace, always looking for new things to photograph.

Would be leaving from Boston area and would be willing to offer door-to-trail-to-door transportation if you are along the way.
Snow is finally melting fast, although still lots above 3000-3500 ft; but you should be fine by 17 May. Perhaps I will see you on one of my day trips, as I do not do backpacks in the Whites. Excellent choice for a route, one of the finest in the Whites, IMHO.
McRat... I may run up Gale River Trail and over South Twin and hit you up for the Bonds travel out on your final day. All I request is a ride back to me car. And I'll even bring ya some Healthy "Trail Magic"

A ride back to the car is a small price to pay for professional sherpa services... especially given the limited access to convenience stores on the Twinway.

Look forward to seeing ya.

McRat-After what I saw yesterday on my Whiteface and Passaconaway loop, especially on the Rollins Trail I would guess we will both be seeing some snow on our May trips... nothing to worry about, but there will be some there.
That schedule fits mine perfectly, and I'd been hoping to do some backpacking in that area. Can I come along? I will probably need a ride from (& to) Boston (slightly south from you but I'm close to the Pike and Storrow).
Still room for one in the car

Hi all.

I can't believe we're heading out in one week! There's still room for one more person to join along if interested.

If you find yourself free and live somewhere convenient between Newton, MA and Lincoln, NH - drop a line and the short bus will be by on Tuesday morning to pick you up.