Pemi Traverse

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New member
Jun 14, 2004
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Nashua, NH
I will be on the trail Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday this weekend traversing the pemi. The plan is to spend three nights; Guyot, Garfield Ridge & Liberty Springs Campsites on the trail. The question is, is one direction better then the other with regards to completeing the loop? Currently, we are planning on climbing the Bond Cliffs and spending our first night at the Guyot campsite and ending our weekend descending Flume Mountain after our last night on the trail at Liberty Springs campsite.
I have selected this direction because, my preference is to climb with a heavier pack and descend with a lighter one. Also, the first two days will be long ones and the second two, after becomming slightly fatigued, will be shorter and down hill. Water works out great in either direction so it doesn't appear as though it really matters what way you travel. However, I would love to hear your opinion. Please let me know if you have any recommendations or advice.
My preference would be to do the reverse of what you are proposing. Tackle Franconia ridge and infamous Garfield ridge first and finishing up on Bondcliff which is one of my favorite mountains.
I would agree with Jim, except for the fact that you'd be spending Sat night at Guyot. I'd much rather spend Thursday up there, even though that means a longer day 1. Liberty Springs will be full on Sat night as well, but the overflow spots are nicer.

BTW, technically this isn't a Traverse which would go from Lincoln Woods to Zealand or the North Twin trailhead. I prefer to call this hike the Circumnavigation of Owls Head.

Do you know if the Pemi Lollipop is doable in one -long- day? We just did the Prezzies Traverse 2 weeks ago and we're looking for a new spot for our 2005 annual Killer Dayhike:)
It has been done in a day, it's 30 something miles I believe. I've never done it but have done a 21 mile hike in that area and it took us over 10 hours. Have fun, hopefully I'll be up there this weekend hiking Owls Head.
My guess is that the PGHL gets done many times during the longer days of summer; I completed the basic PGHL CCW in a little over 15 hours on 26 July 98 (about 31.5 miles for the eight 4s). If you want more distance, you could extend to about 36 miles by including side trips to N Twin, Galehead, and W Bond; and about 38.5 miles if you add side trip to Zealand for twelve 4s; hey, that is 1/4 of the NH 4s in one day!). Take your headlamps! Also, I found that 3 liters of water was enough to get me half way around the loop to Galehead Hut (instead of carrying a pump for other water sources that are generally a few 100 meters off the trail), where I consumed a couple more liters, before reloading with 3 liters for the second half of the loop (it was a hot, humid day). One of the best parts of this loop is that you have many opportunities to see where you have been and where you are going. The only loop comparable that I have done is the Wonderland Trail around Mt. Rainier, albeit that one is about three times longer with about three times as much elevation gain (I did not do the WT in one day, although I am sure that there are some folks on this board who could).
If you'd like to read a wonderfully detailed trip report of the Pemi loop clockwise from Lincoln Woods (ie, Osseo up, Bondcliff down), take a look at Max's trip report. To summarize his route briefly:

Distance - 33.3 miles
Time - 15 hours 15 minutes

(in other words, "wow")
Yikes! my aching knees! I did a Pemi traverse recently and threw out all hopes of completing this loop in a day! kudos to you marathoners out there. I suppose that beyond 20 miles or so, cardio stamina isn't usually an issue, to me it would be tollerance for joint and foot pain! Now if I could just eliminate the pain...