Phelps, Tabletop 4-16-08

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Feb 12, 2005
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Avatar is on Gannett Peak, Wyoming's high point.
Date of Hike: Wednesday April 16

Trail Conditions: Trails are still in pretty good shape. From the HPIC up to Marcy Dam, the trail was icy lower down with some bare spots as you worked your way up. Most wood bridges are exposed and most snow bridges are gone. From the dam up to the Phelps trail, some rocks are popping through but the trail is still solid. Trail up to Phelps is in great shape but someone beat it up a little with postholes. Some ice on the ledges from last night's re-freeze but it won't last! When you break tree line into the scrub, the trail is mostly clear of snow. Trail up to Tabletop is in rough shape. The spine is exposed and is at times rotten, at times tilted, at times narrow, and at times some combination of those things.

Special Equipment Required: Still need snowshoes!

Comments: I stayed on the summit of Phelps for a very long time in shirt sleeves just enjoying the perfectly clear view. Temps were in the 50's and almost no breeze.