Hi All, I used to be a much more active member of this forum, but life got complicated, I got old, and my participation diminished. I still hike fairly regularly and am involved with the International Appalachian Trail. I'm reintroducing myself today to ask for some help identifying the location of the attached photo. It was taken in the early 1960's. I'm the round-headed kid leaning on the sign - I was probably 10 years old - putting this photo circa 1964. My younger (taller) brother and two older sisters are shown in classic hiking gear of the time - sneakers, sweaters and kerchiefs. I know my dad led us on several ill-advised hikes in the Whites, but I don't remember hiking above tree-line, so I suspect this photo was taken at a trail junction below Mt. Lincoln. My older sister passed away two years ago and my remaining sister and brother don't recall where this might have been taken.
Any of you old timers recognize this location?

Any of you old timers recognize this location?