Pierce, Eisenhower - Crawford Path 1-9-10


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Date of Hike: 1-9-10

Trail Conditions:
Crawford Path to Mizpah Cutt-off: well packed, traction helpful
Crawford Path to Eisenhower: Trail broken by a group of 3 earlier that morning, difficult to follow at times due to snow drift.
Trailbreakers made camp near the summit of Eisenhower (south side), trail after that was a day old -- and where our group of 3 turned around due to temps and wind.

Special Equipment Required:
Snowshoes - useful to Pierce, essential to Eisenhower
Full Cover - essential above tree line due to temperatures and fierce winds. Another group (StashZdanuk) saw -20 degrees at Peirce's summit.

Comments: Beautiful snowscapes up the mountain and on the ridge line, low clouds made for occasional views lower down, but no views from above treeline.
I also want to apologize to StashZdanuk for getting in the background of his summit picture - sorry!

Gabe20770 at yahoo dot com