Pitchoff 08-15-2011


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Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
This is an old favorite. We started at the upper trailhead around 10 and came out at the lower one at 2. It's great to be able to have a car at each end. Walking back on the road is unpleasant with summer traffic. The trail was dry despite nearly 2" of rain in the past 24 hours. Even the big mud hole just below the north summit was almost dry. Though only 1 person does Pitchoff for every 100 that climb Cascade, the trail was open with ample sidecutting all the way and no deadfalls or other obstructions. The forecast said 70% chance of rain. It was raining when we left the house and everything but Owls Head was socked in but the rain stopped as we were starting the hike and held off until we hit the road at the other end. How ofter does that happen? I've gotten wetter on hikes where the forecast called for bluebird skies all day! Sometimes you're the bug and sometimes you're the windshield. :)