Plot Sewards route on topo map

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Sep 19, 2003
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Recently did Sewards and Seymour for my 46th and since my group are all map lovers (but not GPS carriers) we were trying to figure out just where we had traveled- particularly in the dips between Seward and Donaldson :eek: , and between Donaldson and Emmons :cool: . There is great debate over how much of a vertical drop and ascent the path takes in these sections. Has anyone taken a stab at plotting the route on a map?

Denis and the Rochester boys (OK- old guys) :eek:
I havn't but as I recall some of those dips were deep, especially that gem comming off Seward.
I did Seward from D. in April. I had my GPS unit on the whole time and downloaded a track into my Topo! program. We did not exactly follow the herd path because of deep snow but I made a .jpg of the herd path route and our route. PM me your e-mail address and I'll be more than happy to send it all to you.
For what it's worth.........

I think that Map 4 on the Adirondackjourney site (referenced by Raymond) shows an approximate route. Not sure its an actual GPS tracklog. It differs slightly from mine.

For instance, my tracklog (and my memory) tells me that the herd path from Donaldson to Emmons dips below the actual ridgeline on the western side of the ridge. The map seems to show it on the otherside of the ridge. It was probably obvious to you (if you did it on a decent day, that you were not right on the ridge itself, but below it and to the right

The rest of maps seem to agree pretty well with my tracklog. Congrats on the 46 :cool:
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