Porter mt from Keene Valley Airport


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January 26th, 2008

Began hike at 0630

This trail is approx 9.5 miles round trip if you are going up to porter.

The trail started with only a few inches of packed snow, no need for crampons or snowshoes until around the first mile.

After the first mile or so the snow began to get deeper as we ascended. We broke trail the entire way to porter. The trail did have some solid ice areas, but for the most part it was fresh loose powder. The hike is moderately steep at a few points.

Gear needed: Snowshoes are essential for the hike since we had to break trail the entire way. Hiking poles / Mountaineer axe was extremely helpful on the steep / icy areas.

This was one of my favorite hikes. It took us from 0630-1430. It was extremely nice not to see anyone else on the trail besides the three of us in the group. We saw one person at the summit of porter who was so kind to take our summit picture, he came from way of cascade. We did however see someone on the way down after passing blueberry mt.

The trail has a great variety of terrain including ice, steep slopes, flat terrain, lookouts... our group was very pleased with the hike.

Thumbs up
Eric McKinley

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