Possbile Laffeyete /Franconia Ridge hike


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Feb 1, 2005
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Avatar. The Maroon Bells . I live In NH and Near
I am thinking about either hiking Laffeyette or maybe going up Falling waters and Down OBP on May 21 or 22 . I hike at what I think is a relaxed pace . I stop to take photos and check out interseting things maybe see wildlife. or just something that catchs my attention. .
I am not looking to run up and down the mountain or ridge but enjoy the day have fun talk meet new people and basicaly have a good time. .
I can point out some tree and plant spoceis and hopefully the trillums will be starting to bloom.
I happen to be doing that exact same Hike on the 22nd. Going up Falling Water and Coming down BPT. Only thing is we're coming up from CT, and I don't really know exactly what time we will be getting Started.
I am aiming or 7- 8 am If Laffeyette place is open I will get site . A few frosty beers and plans wont hurt. iIf it is drive uip and get a site either day work for me . If you wer to driveupo and get a site sat that would work out great. Ihave fire wood . . maybe this is away for more laid back less agressive hikers to start out . I do hike year round but due to very seriuous injuries I have slowed down . Plus I want to be In somewhat good hiking shape for my CO trip in late June. it is Ironic I am in good a shape but I do not use the muscles used for hikng in my legs so I feel it after hike. I can lifta 200 lb log yet a long day on the trail I really feel it . Send A PM maybe we can start a group hike
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I guess every one hates me and does not want ot even hike with me :( iam not some evil demon and would love a chance to meet and talk with others with out a high pressure goal hike, just a friendly hike on one of the NE most senic trails and a chance to meet others with out the goal of geting to the summiit at all cost and at a particualar time. maybe we even can out have few cold ones and sit and chat , . I fel like I am parriahia (SP) because I am not a AMC fan and logger Yes I do do slam the AMC from time to to timme give me a chance . Come meet me have a cold beer by the campfire with meand hike one of the best peaks in the NE .Ok one of my Favorites i guess some can tell I love Laffeyette by now
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Rick - Ease up...everyone does not hate you...your trip is still a week away and a lot of people have plans already (like me) or do not know what they want to do. People love that route and will join you...and adding a few cold beers into the mix will certainly help! :D

One more thing...you are not the only person here that has some sort of an opinion of the AMC.
Rick... Lafayette is my fav... in fact... when I pass on from this earth... I hope to be cremated and have my ashes spread from its summit. But I have to leave strict instructions to my carriers so that they not ruin any vegetation or step in any mud. :rolleyes:

As to the 21st or 22nd.. the 21st I am running in from zealand to the bonds then back out. The 22nd... i graduate from College :) So I'd love to go but... alas.. no can do.

Oh and about that invite to go find Downes Brook Slide... gotta wait for the snow to melt.

SJ :eek:
May 21/22

We have a detailed trip already planned out. It's an AMC event that I am leading. This is what we are doing. On Saturday, May 21st we are leaving Ct to drive up to VT and Hike up Mt Mansfield. We are staying at Smuggler Notch that Night. On Sunday, May 22nd after we eat breakfast we will drive up to Lafayette to do the same Hike that you have in mind. You can Hike along with us if you'd like. We hope to get started on the Hike at about 10:00 AM. Following the Hike we will be heading back to Ct.