Post-Olympics Boston Beerfest

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Active member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Boise, Idaho
Now that the Olympic Games are officially over, it's time to really get down to business: A Boston beerfest to toast our winners :D and even those who just showed up to represent their countries without hope of scoring a medal.

Gathering date and time: Wednesday, March 8, 5:30 PMish

Any druthers on a gathering spot? Boston Beer Works by North Station?

It'll be great to see all of you! It's amazing what a month away, out of the country no less, will do for missing home, family and friends. :)
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Welcome back! This sounds like a good way to acclimate.

I should be there but maybe a little later.
Stan said:
Welcome back! This sounds like a good way to acclimate.

Not back just yet, though through the miracles of the Internet, I am able to still feel connected to all of you. Right now, as I type this, I am in an Internet cafe in Torino. Just finished a 3.5 hour self-tour of the cinema museum, which was very cool. It isn't every day you can watch a bit of a movie from a toilet seat -- I'll be sure to bring the pix to show you what I mean and prove I actually did it. It was truly bizarre! :D

Can't wait to return Stateside!
I should make it, maybe a little late.
We've got company leaving Wed morning (I think ??) so I may need a beer, or two :D
going to try to be there - have family over from ireland - so have to see.

I will most likely bless you all with my appearance :p :p :p :eek: :eek:

might even show up nude :eek:
What time are folks planning on showing up tonight?

Giggy, no kooky avatar?? How will we recognize you? :eek: :eek: :p :p
You keep scheduling these things when I have visits to the optometrist. I might make it, it depends on how quickly I get my new glasse, since I have to head back to work afterward.