Post-Olympics Boston Beerfest

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MichaelJ said:
You keep scheduling these things when I have visits to the optometrist. I might make it, it depends on how quickly I get my new glasse, since I have to head back to work afterward.

You've got it backwards, Michael! ;) You keep scheduling your optometry appointments when we gather for beerfests! ;) Hope to see you there.

Jessbee, I'll be trying to get there by 5ish -- a bit on the early side but it already feels like it's been a long week at work.
Any idea how late people will be staying? I might be able to make it there around 6:30-7:00, if anyone's still around.
Geez--you folks will be well into your cups once I get there around 6-6:30. :D
McRat said:
Any idea how late people will be staying? I might be able to make it there around 6:30-7:00, if anyone's still around.

Hey Russ,
Come on by. There are usually people there until 5 minutes before the last train leaves ;)
Keep in mind there's a Celtic game tonight so it may be crowded by 6.
It was awesome to see everyone last night. It's great to be home _ especially with friends like all of you!
Yes, good to see you all again...thanks Alpinista for the pin, Donna for the food, and everyone else for conversation, GC trip planning advice, and future White Mtn adventures! :)
Had a nice time once again with all of you.
Lisa thanks soooooo much for the pin.
See you this weekend!!!!
Ditto! Had a great time, and I really needed it! Always so good to see everyone. If it can't be the trail, might as well be a bar :)

Lisa, thanks so much for the pin nad the shirt! (Kayla immediately stole the shirt from me...)

Donna, thanks for the beer: now I owe you another one. Perhaps over a cribbage game ;)? Take care of that wrist! Yikes!
Great to see old friends and meet some new ones! Yes, thanks Donna for the food and Lisa for organizing. Great beers, good conversation--enjoyed catching up with folks!
Morning landed with a definate thud this morning, but last night was great.

Nice meeting friends old and new.

Good pick on the venue too! Very tasty ale.