So, you're not a weatherman but do pretend to be one.
Where did I state the sources of the information?
Evidently, you missed my comment "You'll need to take terrain into account with the forecast."
Take a deep breath Earl! C'mon buddy!I think you may be reading more into what was written than intended. I don't think he was trying to diss ya.
Hello- except for minor technical differences a weather "forecast" and a weather " outlook" can be utilized the exact same way by any end user. Rest assured, the "local pros" issuing the 36 hour higher summits outlook, that appears on the MWO website and is updated twice a day, are on the top of the rockpile. Current conditions and various computer models, modified by human input based on knowledge of how the actual weather in the past has varied from the computer model predictions--- as well as going outside and looking out the window--- help create the Higher Summits " outlook"
Pete is exactly right. The observers make the higher summits outlook every day for 36 hours out. No such product exists from the national weather service, so the Obs has filled that void. The only product the Obs uses from the national weather service is the valley forecast.
Take a deep breath Earl! C'mon buddy!I think you may be reading more into what was written than intended. I don't think he was trying to diss ya.