Presi overnight.

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Sep 4, 2003
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Thornton, NH
Wifey is heading to the cape to visit some friends, so I thought I would do a quick overnight while she is gone, so I need to decide between to alternative routes. The first, and a tad ambitious, would have me park at Pinkham and take Old Jackson Road & Madison Gulf Trail to the ridge. From there I would take Gulfside and the Spur Trail to Crag Camp and spend the night. The next day I would run the ridge over to Washington and take either Tuckerman or Lion Head back to my car. The only section of this route that I haven’t hiked is the section of Madison Gulf Trail that ascends the headwall.

The second alternatives is to park at Pinkham and take the AMC shuttle bus to the Appalachia parking lot and head up to Crag Camp from there. The next day I would hike the route I outlined above. The advantage of the second route would be a later start and an easier day. The down side of the second route is missing hiking in the Great Gulf, which I have always enjoyed.

My tentative plan is to hike in and spend the night at Crag Camp on June 10th, and hike out on the 11th. I prefer overnights on Friday, that way I do not have to deal with the crowds on Saturday night.

Although I asked a few friends to join me, I thought I would plan this trip as a solo just in case they back out at the last moment. I will probably decide on which route to take depending on my mood and leg strength just before the trip. I would appreciate any input on the headwall section of Madison Gulf Trail.
Madison Headwall

I have never done it but have certainly been intimidated by it reading the guide bookd. I recently discussed this trail with three very experienced hikers, two of whom told me it was nothing, even descending, while the other one (who is one of the strongest hikers I have ever seen) said that the warnings in the book were not strong enough; that it was a killer trail and he had a real hard time with it...I know I would not deal with it going solo, I would probalby stick to the Osgood or the Buttress.
Others will have ther say I am sure...
Good luck.
MadRiver: You could also park at the Great Gulf Trailhead and access Madison Gulf from there. I've not done Madison Gulf yet (rectifying that lapse on 7/16), but every trail I've done out the Gulf (Osgood, Six Husbands, Great Gulf, Sphinx, Adams Slide) have been butt kickers. I hear Mad Gulf is steep, tough, but not horrendous. If it's anything like the others, I'd not want a big pack on my back for it :)

Smart to hit Crag on Friday. We were at Grey Knob this weekend. Two of us on Friday, and 2 at Crag. On Saturday, even with the weather there were 10 at Crag, and 10 at Grey Knob.
Here's a trip report including Madison Gulf. It's tough, but not impossible with a full pack. But that first day is going to be a long hard hike.

If the weather is bad on day 2 you should have an alternative plan. My choice would be to hike down to Appalachia and catch the shuttle around to Pinkham or take Osgood Ridge down and loop back to Pinkham.

The weather is definitely going to be the determining factor in which route I take. Given that I haven’t hiked a lot this spring, and my propensity to over do it at times, I might opt to take the shuttle from Pinkham to Appalachia or Lowe’s Store if the driver is willing to make a non-scheduled stop. If my friends do decide to join me, I will have a car at both Pinkham and Lowe’s, so on the second day if I choose to abort the ridge hike, I have a way back to my car. Two Octobers ago I did the same trip and the weather turned and I ended up having to go down Six Husbands in a snow storm with a full pack. Although it wasn’t treacherous, it certainly wasn’t fun.
I like your first option better - up the Madison Gulf Trail. My experience is that it's not nearly as bad as you might think from the guidebook. I found it much easier than the Great Gulf headwall, King Ravine, and, obviously, Huntington.

Here's a thought. Skp the camping and make two day hikes out of it, as long or as short as you wish. One suggestion for the first one would be to start at Pinkham and go to the Great Gulf Trail, take the GGT up the headwall, then come down from Washington via Lion's Head or Nelson Crag. If you like the Great Gulf, there's nothing like getting as far into it as you can then hauling yourself out.

If you're in decent shape you'll be able to so something else on Day 2 besides recuperating.