Presi Traverse 2/26

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Jan 14, 2005
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Conditions look favorable for a Presidential Traverse on Saturday. Temps starting at 0 and getting up to 20 degrees at noontime. Winds should be steady at 5-10 MPH. Partly cloudy with a 25% chance of snow.

Anyway, I wanted to see if any hardy souls and experienced, fast hikers wanted to join me. The plan is to go up the Daniel Webster trail to Madison, leaving the Dolly Copp campground area a little before 7 AM. From there, I plan to summit Madison, Adams, Jefferson, Washington, Monroe, Eisenhower, and Pierce. Crawford Path down from Pierce. Finish time will be between 6 and 7 PM at Crawford Depot. Total distance is around 19.5 miles.

I plan to pack fairly light, with food, water, extra clothing, maps, headlamp, 1st aid gear, crampons, and snowshoes being all. I ascend at an average pace but I make very good time on flats, ridges, and descents. I only brake for photo ops and moose, meaning I don't stop for lunch and I take very few rests. Tim Seaver is my idol.

I expect to break some trail with snow in the forecast and some drifting above treeline. I'd really like some company and you don't have to be super-fast, I'd just prefer to be off the ridge before sunset.

Respond here if you're up for the challenge or if you'd like to start on Madison with me or if you could help with a car drop. If you see me running the ridge in my blue jacket and Crescent Moon snowshoes, be sure to say hi!

Too FAST for me...good luck though.

How do you plan on getting back to your car? Going solo, right?
Scout trail should be an interesting way to start. Any chance you can drive around to Appalachia, that could really improve your time at the begining of the trip. If you end up breaking trail on Scout it will possibly end your day before it starts.

A thought...

In the interest of speed and energy conservation, consider going up Valley Way to the hut.

Even if you plan to do the summits, I believe this approach will be faster and easier than using the DW Scout trail. And, it's much more likely to be bare-bootable.

good point

In consideration of Chris's and Dave's suggestions, I'm going to change my starting point to the Appalachia parking area. I didn't want to start there at first because I haven't taken this trail before; I've only taken DW and Osgood in the past.

This seems more logical since it is a far more well-travelled path and thus more likely to be better broken out. Apparently, last night's storm left about 5" of fresh powder in the area, although I don't expect that to slow the journey much.

Dave, you're a wise man, and your advice along with the White Mountain Server are both invaluable resources.

Estimated arrival times:
Leave at 6:30 AM
Madison summit 9:30
Adams 10:30
Jefferson 11:45
Washington 1:30
Monroe 2:30
Ike 3:30
Pierce 4:30
Crawford Depot 5:45

I have a number of bail-out points if anything arises. Hopefully some kind soul in Crawford Notch will give me a ride back to my car. Otherwise, I have to wait at HC until my friend gets done skiing at Attitash and comes to pick me up.

Final split times:

Left at 7:15
Madison summit at 9:16
Adams Summit at 10:11
Jefferson summit at 11:34
Washington summit at 1:00
Monroe summit at 1:59
Ike summit at 3:01
Pierce summit at 3:39
Rt 302 at Highland Center at 4:30 sharp.

I stuck my thumb out and I had a ride to Rt 2 in Lancaster at 4:35.
Took about 8 minutes to hitch a ride to Appalachia from Lancaster.

Everything worked out awesome. Thanks so much to Dave and Chris for the supremely helpful suggestion. Look for the full trip report soon.
