Presi Traverse, N to S, 8/20/05, Sat.

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Aug 23, 2004
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New Hampshire... Time to go Whackin'
I'd like to get in a North-to-South Presi Traverse this month...before attemping a Pemi Loop next month. This would be from Appalachia, over Madison, Adams, Jefferson, Clay, Washington, Monroe, Franklin, Ike, and Pierce, ending in Crawford Notch. (19.8 miles, 8500' gain)

Anyone interested in joining me and/or willing to help with car spotting please PM or post.

Estimated start 7:00am.

Link to Presi Traverse at Mohamed's site

If you do not get a group to go with you, you might want to consider joining a group of us that are planning the same trip on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend.
bobandgeri said:
If you do not get a group to go with you, you might want to consider joining a group of us that are planning the same trip on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend.

Hey, whaddya know? Maybe I'll see you. I'll also be doing a N to S traverse on 9/4 with another Highpointer type. Hope the weather is nice. :)
I might interested in joining ther labor day group if at all possible - I attempted it in June and bailed at lakes due to rain. Its been kind of eating at me since.

whats the plan? times? camping night before or meeting at the trailhead?

giggy said:
I might interested in joining ther labor day group if at all possible - I attempted it in June and bailed at lakes due to rain. Its been kind of eating at me since.

whats the plan? times? camping night before or meeting at the trailhead?


Giggy - will PM you with more info.
Sounds interesting...I've done tons of hiking lately but never a Presi traverse. I'd love to join you on the 20th but I'd hate to slow you down...what kind of pace do you need to do this?? I usually beat book time when I let me know what you think, if you are still looking for company.
don't matter to me - I tend to hike to groups pace setter. slow/moderate/fast - don't matter as long as the company is good -

its bobadgeri's trip - so I default to them
giggy said:
don't matter to me - I tend to hike to groups pace setter. slow/moderate/fast - don't matter as long as the company is good -

its bobadgeri's trip - so I default to them

NH_Mtn_Hiker is the one who started this thread about his trip on the 20th. The trip that we are part of is the Sunday of Labor Day weekend - typical speed for our group is better than book time, but people that like to laugh are always welcome :>
All right then.
How's 5:00 at the Highland Center. That will give us an hour to spot a car or two and we should still be able to hit the trail by 6:00 giving us about 14.5 hours of daylight.

Note: I will be offline Sunday, Monday, and possibly Tuesday while moving.
You might want to PM me an email address and phone # for last minute plans/details.
ok thanks guys - if I can make it - I am going with the group that is leaving at 4:30am -(I would even go earlier if anyone wants) - car-spot the night before -

1) sunrise at treeline is amazing
2) better chance to be down in safer crawford path territory before possible t-storms

I was out west for a week - so my wife is not keen on full weekend hikes for the next month or so - so got to apprach this with care.

for what is worth - I am typically faster than booktime on hikes - on my first attempt on this - I was pretty near booktime when at lakes. maybe even a bit behind when accounting all the hut stops, breaks, and it was horrible weather with slick rocks, etc.,..... its just a long day when you add it all up - as you guys know.

I will make ya all laugh - thats a promise.
jeezz - I just realized I was talking about a trip on another day - sorry about this. I thought we are all going on labor day - I need to read things better!!

NH_Mtn_Hiker - I am sorry for confusing things.
Just finished moving, still without internet service. Thank goodness for college computers. :)

Just confirming 5:00 Saturday morning at the Highland Center. Looks like about 6 or 7 of us so far. See you there.

I'll check back in Friday when the weather forecast is a little more accurate.

Here's hoping the weather holds out. Depends on what source you check, but there may be a chance of rain and t-showers some time late in the day or early evening.