Presi Traverse, N to S, 8/20/05, Sat.

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I'll be at the Highland Center at 5:00. (in a black Subaru wagon)

It looks like a 30-60% chance of rain, and thunderstorms, throughout the day.
Highs in the valley will reach low to mid 60's. Above 5,000' we'll likely see temps in the upper 30's to mid 40's.

See you there.....
If it appears too wet for a traverse I'd consider other hiking options.

Pepsi called a little while ago. He wanted to let you know that he's down off Webster and in his car going to pick up some people at aother trail and drive them back to their car.
Hi Hikers

How was this trip.. Other than the cold and the weather did you encounter any other unforseen problems. I'm planning on making the traverse this Saturday I've read trip reports on Mohammeds and Dave Metsky's sites (thanks to each) and any other insights, comments would be helpful.
The trip was pretty good, though only one out of six of us finished the traverse. The weather was kind of crummy, cloudy, wind, rain and all that jazz. Even so, some of the views we got of the clouds sweeping over the Northern Presis were pretty cool. Half our party turned back at Edmunds Col and descended the Castle Trail. Two more of us went down the Jewell Trail.

As for suggestions, I'd emphasize the need for an early start, keeping an eye on the weather, carrying bad weather clothing, maintaining a steady pace and minimizing extended rest stops. Nothing new here, I know, but it bears repeating.

Good luck with your traverse.
Thanks Adamiata for the info.

I'll be camping at DollyCopp Friday (tonight) and will probably start between 3 and 4 AM, I'm hoping to catch the sunrise from the Madison summit. I've done several long day trips but nothing with this much elevation gain and exposure above tree-line. Can't wait
Dugan and I completed the traverse yesterday (Saturday). All went well except for my short "trip" on the Crawford Path, a couple of bruises and scrapes, but nothing serious. It was a beautiful day weather wise unlike last Saturday. Total time 12:42.

Is your license plate similar to your username? If so, were you coming down through Franconia Notch about 9:30ish Saturday night?
Pepsi definitely deserves extra congrats for last Saturday - not only did he complete this long hike in the mist and rain - he also finished his 48. Congratulations Pepsi!

About yesterday - not that I'm glad someone ended up bleeding, but I am glad it wasn't me for a change.

On Pierce, we met fellow VFTT'er Weedhopper, also completing a Presi Traverse. He blew by us on the descent as I stopped to look at Gibbs Falls.
NH_Mtn_Hiker said:
Dugan and I completed the traverse yesterday (Saturday). All went well except for my short "trip" on the Crawford Path, a couple of bruises and scrapes, but nothing serious. It was a beautiful day weather wise unlike last Saturday. Total time 12:42.

Is your license plate similar to your username? If so, were you coming down through Franconia Notch about 9:30ish Saturday night?


Were you the speed demons that passed us at Madison Hut Saturday morning?? We made the traverse in 15 hours that includes about 10 minutes on each summit and hut and 45 min on Washington for some good pizza. We also included the summits of Clay, Franklin, Jackson and Webster as part of the trip. I've still got wobbily, jello legs 2 days later.

I was passing through Franconia Notch between 8:30 - 9 PM. I don't have a "hockey" license plate but do have Penguins and Monarchs bumper stickers on the back windows. It must have been somebody else.