Presidents Day (2/21) - SNOWY MT.

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Sep 3, 2003
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In the image of man
Our family will be hiking this Lesser (tied for #50 in NY state) peak, on Pesident's day (2/21/05). However at 3899', it's higher than both Nye and Couchsachraga on the magical 46er list. We'd like to invite anyone to join in. The view from the summit is superb;


Anyone interested in joining in the fun? The hike is about 7.8 miles total and the total acsent is about 2100 feet. We'll be starting at around 8 AM. Snowy is located about an hour from Long Lake (SW corner of the High Peaks) in the southern ADK's.

PM or respond on here., Hope that some of you can join us for this winter ADK100.
nice picture..

nice picture...good time up there let me know if you need the trail conditions or weather closer to the time .....ashton
Hey Mavs,

I'll give this one some consideration. I've been hiking the Catskills a great deal and plan on getting up to the Adirondacks in the spring/summer (yeah, I know, black flies), but I've been thinking it might be fun to make one small ADK excursion while the calendar still says winter. Snowy would certainly be easier access than the high peaks. Crane (which is near there) used to be one of my favorites. I'm originally from Albany and could even start out from a friends or relatives place there.

One concern-I've heard it's outrageously steep in the last mile or so. I don't own an ice ax, and frankly can't afford any more gear at the time. Do you (or anyone else) think axes might be necessary? It this trail really vertical, or is it just dig your poles in-or use your hands-type steep?


An ice-axe might be overkill, but I've heard similar things about it being steep towards the top (more like .4 miles, not 1 mile). Crampons have beem fine lately from what Ashton (who hiked it recently) told me. Depends on snow conditions at the time of our hike of course, but we'll be either barebooting, snowshoeing, or cramponing it.

We'll be driving in too (from 2 hours away), so that's not and issue. A 8-8:30 Start will be fine. It's less than 8 miles and about 2100' so it will be a very reasonable day hike.

Let us know it your in.
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FYI . . . that steep section in the last 0.5 miles or less is very sheltered and there is no part of that trail that would require an ice axe in my humble opinion. I LOVED hiking Snowy last winter with a good friend of mine and if I was still in Albany I would've headed up there again . . . Have a BLAST !!

:( Sadly, weather looks to be canceling this hike for us. :(

Not so much the weather for the hike that does it, but the 6-12 inches of snow expected Sunday night/Monday would surely make what would normally be a 4-hour (one way) drive to the trailhead pretty miserable. Hope to reschedule later in coming weeks.
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Snowy Mtn. - partial ski?

I'm jumping in after the fact, but I would like to do Snowy this winter and was wondering if the first 2 miles can be skied. In reading the ADK guide it appears to gain little (except for one brief section) for a while. Unless the trail is narrow & twisty, I would much prefer to ski in (and mostly out!) and don't mind carrying the snowshoes (and crampons). I do have skins if that helps. Since the book also says the trail "opens up" well into the trip, if I was to skin up once it got steep can I ski down through the trees?

I did a "ski in and switch to snowshoes" last Sunday for Vanderwhacker Mtn and really enjoyed that. (Perfect weather and awesome views - including Snowy) Felt sorry for the people I passed walking while I was skiing in - and again after I passed them while descending knowing I could ski out the last 4 miles.

I did search the forums and found little (on Snowy mtn. vs. snowy conditions)besides this thread.