Prezi Traverse car spot help Sat 7/2

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Jan 20, 2011
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Goffstown NH Avatar: Mt Cabot
I want to hike the traverse N to S alone but have the old car spot problem, and the shuttle wont get me from Highland to Appalacia before 10. Just curious if any one will be car spotting earlier in the day and can give me a ride too? Hiking S to N option would be fine too if it gets me a ride.
Here's an option. Drive to the trailhead (Appalachia, etc), do your N->S traverse, and stay at the Shapleigh bunkhouse ($$)at the Highland Center. In the AM, either hitch or take the AMC shuttle ($$) back to your vehicle.

The bunkhouse has increased in price over the years - used to be about $20, but I believe it's higher. If you make the reservation online, tell them whether you want breakfast. IIRC, they will assume you do, and charge you accordingly. Also - keep in mind once you make the reservation it's difficult to cancel and get you $$ back.
Better not fill your water or use the restrooms at Madison or Lakes Hut, either.

(in other words, it's okay to disdain the AMC, many people do, but expect to be harangued if you unnecessarily bring it up)
Dont get me wrong I am good friends with devoted and involved members. And I like the part of the AMC that defends and preserves access. And since the trails are there it only makes since that I'm gonna use them, and I'm only human I cant resist stopping for fresh baked goods at huts while treking either. Its a quandary sometimes, but yes, I am fine with and happier hiking herd paths and climbing over downed trees, and having to rely only on what I can carry on my back.
Persoanlly I would like to see a lot less infrastructure on and around our mountains here in NH, and I find a trail that is less groomed more aesthetic and enjoyable, thats why I feel a little dirty giving my money to an organization that has a little different ideals than myself.
Sorry if any one takes my oppinion personal it was not meant to be negative.

Back on topic:Somebody give me a ride so I dont have to selll my soul and ride the shuttle!? :D
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The trouble is, those trails are used by so many people that if they were less groomed (no waterbars, scree walls, etc.) they would become eroded and the plant life on the sides would be even more trampled. Go see what happens on Little Haystack on Columbus Day weekend when citizens of at least 2 countries converge and lay waste to the summit.

Sorry to hijack your thread, I hope you get your ride.
Get the ride?

I hope so, but I would add that hitch-hiking near WMNF trail-heads is unlike hitching anywhere else: different dynamics, different security issues, different cultural norms. That said, it's an awfully long haul from Crawford Notch back around to the top, so I hope someone stepped up! Let us know how it went (a case study!).
Bad Example

Do you feel dirty when you hike on the AMC-maintained trails?

While the larger (tangential) argument may have merit (not that it does), this part doesn't help make it: it is the AMC's privilege to be on those trails, which the hiking community owns. The AMC may make no ownership claim whatsoever (at least in my heart) with regard to trails or huts. The Highland Center, even the Pinkham Notch Visitor Center, are another matter; but on public land, the ownership issue is reversed, and the AMC should take out big ads in the (anachronistic) Boston Globe thanking the public for permitting their stewardship and service.

So feel no awkwardness eating that cookie or bowl of lentils, or filling your bottles or using their rest-rooms; they are there in exchange for your forbearance of their presence! Enjoy in all good company and cheer!

And I appreciate the often excellent trail-work.

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