We've had both, they were a great hit. If anyone wants to set this up contact Darren. He can't do it due to logistics, but no one is trying to stop people from making more.Viewseeker said:Have a sign up list...sounds like both patches and stickers would be a great hit!!!!
bikehikeskifish said:Some of these manufacturers may well have an entire online community plan - upload the designs, and open the orders, and they handle everything, for a fee, so it is minimally consuming of any one person's time. Of course it comes at an expense
Willoughby said:I've never used them, but I believe zazzle.com is something like this - upload your designs, they do on-demand orders onto various objects (VFTT coffee mugs anyone?), 10% goes back to whoever uploaded the design. The on-demand feature might be nice for this group, since it wouldn't require batching up a big order.
Why? What are you talking about?Gris said:a new batch of anything is in the works, don't let the author of this thread be in charge of the printing! (VFFT)???
darren said:If someone wants to volunteer mail out individual stickers or patches, I will help in the initial bulk order. But the volunteer will have to get all kinds of random orders in the mail, cash piles of $3 checks, stuff stickers / patches into the SASE (provided by the person ordering), and mail them out. PITA, let me tell you.
- darren
bikehikeskifish said:Anyone consider a professional service? Maybe CafePress.com or something similar? Anyone do this before? Seems to me there is a solution such that nobody here has to deal with money or orders...