Quick....hike 'em now


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ha, sorta like the "Somerville Gates" (which unfortunately have already been deconstructed).
Are they the peanut butter or cheese variety?
Very cute, I took my daughter (9) and son (12) to hike the "gates" yesterday. It started off nice because she met 2 classmates on the railroad going there. The park looked beautiful with hundreds of people walking around taking pictures of the trees with the gates in the background, lakes and ponds, kids ice skating. The gates are app 10 wide and 8 feet tall, orange all over the place. We ended up going into the zoo, looked at the usual animals and went into their rainforest exhibit. snow started to come down app 3pm. Kids climbed some rocks, horsebuggies were travelling around. For those who have never been to central park it's been cleaned up over the last 10 years.
Went to FAO schwartz and looked at $50,000 stuffed animals, also went to Jekyll and Hyde restraunt but the little one was scared of the actors. (go figure, she does indoor rock climbing)

I'll try to change my avatar to the gates picture with my kids. They also got some fabric. For those nearby, it's nice to see the park in a different way.
the gates

i heard one critic's review of the gates, it was something like this: "they're calling them saphron, but they're orange."

Hey coldfeet I was there on the 24th as well, interesting.

Took the train in with my g/f, we walked around for quite a bit. She really enjoyed it, I thought it was pretty neat. I liked how I could "see" the wind blowing through the gates here and there and other places they were still. A few things I enjoyed was that all the money for this project came out of the artists pockets, and the money made off of the books/pictures etc they sold went straight back to the park, not to mention all the tourists it brought (like me). I also appreciated the fact that of the three hours or so I walked around in the Gates, I never saw any graffitti or other sign of vandalism to them. I know the artists have a security detail at night, but 23 miles of Gates are easy targets nonetheless.

However, what is most impressing is Central Park itself. Within moment of walking into the park, it gets quieter, more peaceful. Central Park in itself is an amazing piece of artwork. The city melts away, and you feel like you're in another world, while just a few feet away people glumly hussle around... What a lifesaver for that town. People smile in the park, laugh easily, and are not running from sidewalk to sidewalk. Even the signs are more peacable (This lawn for sleeping, reading, daydreaming, etc...). Its a special place for New York, for sure.

Having said that, thank goodness I don't live in NYC. ;)
Do you think the artists would be offended if you sent them that picture with the crackers? I would hope not...cuz it's a riot and pretty cool how close the colors are (saffron, my butt). Actually...now that I think about it, it makes those little tasty crackers very scary all bright orange like that material. Anyway, thanks for the laugh.