Rangeley / Stratton weekend August 14-16


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I wouldn't try to take any car, even a high-clearance 4WD, too far beyond the AT crossing. In particular, you're not going to get past the junction with the red road (on Tim's map) where the road gets too narrow and several short (6') bridges are pretty much toast.

I have some photos from last summer, unfortunately not of a few of the critical points, but they'll at least show you several of the spots, including one lousy-looking bridge between the green metal bridge and the AT crossing. Click on the icons on this map to see them.

Is this a power line cut on Tim's map ??? It seems perfectly straight.
There is a road (YELLOW) that does go part-way up to the ridge between Sugarloaf and Spaulding. It may (or a similar road not visible here) reach the ridge closer to Spaulding in which case a decent loop can be formed, and Abraham can be tackled separately.
As Jeremy Clarkson would say: "How tough can it be? I'm game, now I need to see if I can get two consecutive weekends off?
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As Jeremy Clarkson would say: "How tough can it be?"

Don't get too close to the backside of Sugarloaf ... it's a lot of ledge and mostly vertical (ie, not so much ledge as cliff). The A.T. takes a delicate route over there. But far enough south, it should be whackable. Should be. Muahahaha!
Don't get too close to the backside of Sugarloaf ... it's a lot of ledge and mostly vertical (ie, not so much ledge as cliff). The A.T. takes a delicate route over there. But far enough south, it should be whackable. Should be. Muahahaha!
Thank you Michael. If you are not familiar with "Top Gear" its what Clarkson says just before they embark on some ill-considered, knuckleheaded adventure.
While most of this conversation has been centered on the CVR and CCR and ASS, it is my intention, subject to wishes of those who show up, to let the weather decide my choice and order. I.e., if it is a bluebird weekend, I will want to prefer the Bigelow and Saddleback ranges. And while the BW ideas are likewise fun discussion I am a rank beginner at BWing and wouldn't attempt any more than Redington from South Crocker and down to the CVR without a much more experienced companion.

I wouldn't try to take any car, even a high-clearance 4WD, too far beyond the AT crossing.

I've recently said the same in another thread; I completely disagree with the above assesment. Several weeks ago, I drove 1.1 miles past the CVR AT crossing in an older Outback (i.e. not great clearance). It was fine. If you drive with care, any car that has okay clearance or better will be fine. AWD or 4WD is not necessary. If you do have a high-clearance vehicle, you will be wondering what the fuss is about.
If one does the loop - SC, NC, SC, Redington, CVR via logging roads / "Elozy Route", then it really matters not where you park since it is a loop.

Of course if they are getting the rain like we are, the mountains may be washed away by mid-August.

But then it would not count

There is some wiggle room in this case, I think. The rules say:

"fairly easily passable to an average four-wheel-drive vehicle (not an ATV) without "heroic measures" such as winches. (If you think a jeep might not make it, then please walk.)"

So because my FWD Honda Accord sedan with low-clearance cannot make it, but a 4WD Jeep can, it would appear that those part(s) of the loop could use a bicycle.

Once again though IT IS A LOOP so no matter where you park, you have to walk the entire thing anyway.

When I did Redington, there was a locked gate at the AT crossing, so we walked the road, it's supposed to be hiking after all is said and done. :)
If I was driving a Honda Accord and made it as far as the AT crossing, I'd consider myself lucky and get out and walk.

I've done Redington 3 or 4 times, all via the road (i.e., no bushwhacks from the Crockers). The first time I did it some in our group were in a hurry to get home to watch a game, so one fellow took his Ford Ranger 4x4 about a mile or so further. Truth be told - it was so rough, and we had to go so slowly, we could have walked it faster. In trips after that we just walked the road from the AT crossing. One year I didn't even drive that far as one bridge looked especially iffy.