Recent Bear Activity in the Great Gulf/Bluff campsite

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Oct 27, 2004
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Avatar: "World's Windiest Place" Stamp (5/27/06)
From WMNF (8/25):

Hikers and backpackers in the Great Gulf Wilderness should be aware that three bear incidents have been reported in the last two weeks, two of them at The Bluff designated campsite near the junction of Great Gulf Trail and Osgood Cutoff. Be sure you know, understand, and practice safe food storage at all times. Please report any bear incidents to the nearest Ranger Station.
Bear Scat

I was in the White's recently and stayed at Crag Camp. On Friday, Aug 15, I descended using Spur Trail, then Randolph, etc. to Appalachia. I encountered fresh bear scat twice on the flatter section of my hike. No actual bear, though. :D
im scared of bears!!!

so yesterday after work i decided to go hike camels hump because i partied like a rock star all weekend (minus the girls, drugs and live music), and was feeling pretty bad. Got a late start, arriving at th well after 6. i knew i would be hiking out by headlamp, but damn!!! never hiked alone in the dark and the headlamp i had kind of stunk. i was so nervous around every corner just thinking i would run into a black bear. at one point i went to step on a rock and something behind it moved, scared the crap out of me, but it was just a mouse or chipmunk. i actually ended up picking up a couple rocks and banging them together every now and again just to make some noise. i dont think i like night hiking alone, really. but i kept thinking it would be cool to see a bear, just didnt want to happen upon one unexpectingly.
You didn't happen to be hiking up the Airline on Mt. Adams late Friday afternoon did you? As I was descending I crossed paths with a hiker wearing a loud jlingle bell on his pack and clapping his hands as he hiked.
