Recognize this mountain pic from 1957 ?

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Here and there Avatar: Ice Ice Bab
Maybe recognize is the wrong word. Can you identify the mountain in the pic ? It was apparently taken in 1957.

Yes and yes ! There are some great pics at the Visitor Center of hikers/climbers on Rainier sitting and watching the events unfold. Must have been unnerving.
Several years ago a woman in the little store in Trout Lake told me of the scary ride she and her husband took down a back road - away from the mountain - at speeds in excess of 100mph in order to avoid the gas/dust cloud blast. She said they were lucky to have survived - not all of her neighbors did.
Post hoc, I rode on a tour helicopter with my Earth Science-teaching mom on a flight over the crater. When we got back and the pilot found out her occupation, he said he would have put her down on the dome so she could have stood on it, if he'd known. :( Probably a good thing he didn't, though -- she'd have stuffed her pockets with rocks and the feds would have busted her . . .

Emergency management as a science and art form all over this country owes a great deal to what the state of Washington developed in anticipation of, and in reaction to, that day thirty (!) years ago.

If you want to see lots more photos and lots more info, here's an authoritative link, disguised so the mystery is maintained here: "Mount Mystery"

BTW, Google Earth is a fantastic ride if you want to see it and can't get out there. I've used it to teach kids about the event and the phenomenon.
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BTW, Google Earth is a fantastic ride if you want to see it and can't get out there. I've used it to teach kids about the event and the phenomenon.

For an even wilder ride in Google Earth, hit Control, Alt, and "A" at the same time while in Google Earth.
That was one of those days (30 years ago on a Sunday) when you are likely to still remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news. I was hiking Tremper and Carl mountains on a low cloudy day in the Catskills, photographing some of the gnarly trees in the fog. I heard the news on the drive home. I also remember photographing the enhanced sunsets later that week.