Redfield- January 9, 2009

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Conditions: Packed trail from Tahawus to Uphill leanto with easy crossing of Flowed Lands. The trail broken and reported for Jan. 6 was all but obscurred by blowing snow. There were hints of it here and there and the small bits of green and orange tape helped re-establish it. Ron, my partner, did much of the work breaking the new trail and both of us experienced some pot-holeing.

Special Required Equipment: snow-shoes from start to finish

Comments: A great day of winter hiking with cold temps, but a bright blue sky and sun which apppeared once in awhile. It was especially beautiful as we crossed Flowed Lands on the way out. The views from the top were awesome. If the path becomes obscured again, it's best to stick as close to the major tributary that flows from the right just past the major falls area. About 1/2 hour along start bending to the right and head for the ridge. Just past the open area you arrive quickly at the summit. A great day spent with my partner Ron.