Redlining on Red Hill

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A sign at intersection of 25 and 113 warned that all trails in the Rattlesnake area were closed, and I went to Plan B, which was to hike the Red Hill and Red Hill Loop Trails. Red Hill Trail was slippery with Friday's snow and sleet, but dried out as the day went on. Scattered remnants of winter snow begin at 1800 ft, increasing steadily up to 2000 ft (summit). Nice views from the top. I was on the lookout for the newly-restored Red Hill Loop trail intersection on the way up, as I intended to descend that way, but did not find it while ascending; this trail is not on the posted maps. On the descent, I kept a careful lookout and sure enough a little beyond the 0.2 mile mark the trail diverges to the right with plentiful white blazes; since the intersection is not marked it is easy to miss. None of the other hikers on the mountain seemed to be aware of the trail, and returned the way they came. Too bad, because the Loop trail is much nicer, with some wide, natural views (vs the man-made views at the summit), and is more enjoyable to walk, at least in the upper section. Eventually it is all jeep/logging roads, but these are grassy vs the rocky Red Hill trail. Great spring hike!