Yes, the homes were there long before it turned into an ATV route. At one time it was the Boston and Maine dead end railroad spur to Berlin from Whitefield. My guess is that most of the affected homes were built during a 15 year period when the tracks were officially abandoned (they were rarely used long before). It took several years for the rails to be removed and more importantly a section of the railroad trestle was removed over the SLR railroad tracks to provide additional clearance. Approximately 10 years ago, the state purchased Jericho Lake State Park with intent of developing an ATV tourism base and at about the same time the connection to Berlin via the former B&M right of way was reestablished by building a raised bridge over the SLR track to reconnect the trestle. The pulp mill had closed, the papermill was on its last legs and state and local leaders were desperate to bring some sort of new business to Northern NH. Various small business's from Pittsburg to Berlin Gorham recognized a possible expansion of their traditional snowmachine business to ATVs. The communities and the state have been making up a lot of rules as the business grows exponentially. Initially it was privately owned ATVs but the rentals have come on strong given low interest rates and high public interest.