Rescued - Does it count?

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Regarding descending without needing help and special cases:
ADK3356 said:
The bylaws of the 46ers require that you ascend and descend the mountains for them to count. The out however is a clause which permits membership to be granted by the exec com.

I quote the bylaws, Article 3:
...The Executive Committee may designate as eligible for membership such other persons who have in its opinion demonstrated a comparable commitment to the purposes of the Organization.
I think that's legit. Certainly someone who has pushed him/herself to that limit should be given credit for a "comparable commitment" . On the other hand, what if they knew at the outset of the hike, or in their last hour or minutes that something was wrong and they should slow down or turn back? To continue in that case might be highly irresponsible, and not something to be rewarded with official recognition. But how would the exec committee know what the deceased knew and when (s)he knew it? Send an official 46er Investigator to talk to their doctor and hiking partners? Nah! Forget the other hand, and just use the heart. But be on guard for abuse of the "comparable committment" clause! If the 46er board ever gets packed with fuzzy minded, new age self-esteem freaks, people could trade in their extra Donaldson and Algonquin for a Redfield. :D
Raymond said:
It's Gene Daniell's opinion that matters, not Gene Daniels'.

Which reminds me: Any post-Priscilla Robertson 111er finishers received their patches yet? My check (dated September) still hasn't been cashed.

My check was sent end of September, and I just got my 111 patch this past Saturday.
It counts toward the 'ole 66xyz list, as long as you enjoyed yourself. However, embarrassment, under rule 781, clearly disqualifies you from the 101NE#48*xTREK list. :rolleyes:
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