Ridgewalker's 48!


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Sep 20, 2004
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Many years ago on the summit of Galehead, a young Ridgewalker climbed his first 48. Now, in the year 2010, he is proud to announce that he is will be climbing over Zealand and officially summiting North Twin…not far from where he started.

We will be climbing August 12, meet at Pinkham Notch at 0700 so we can meet and move together to Zealand trailhead.

A carspot is highly suggested for when we descend from North Twin. We may have a summit celebration; please bring any celebratory items (fine beer or cigars..) if you choose to. We can continue our celebration at Pinkham or be adventurous for local pub fare and are welcome to depart afterwards filled with good memories.

Please RSVP to this thread for accepts and regretful well-wishes and logistical suggestions.



This hike is dedicated to the memory of my friend Ray Loring 1943-2008, who will be there in spirit.
Audrey, that would be terrific to meet you on top of North Twin, champagne would be wonderful and appropriate way to celebrate, thanks!

In terms of time, going by the AMC guidebook, I will most likely arrive there at 2.00pm or earlier depending on my stride.

The route will be an 8.00am start and should take me 6 hours going from Zealand trail to the hut and go out the Twinway and the No. Twin spur.


Clarke: I have been there for a number of your 4kers but will have to miss this one, unfortunately. Vacation starts on 8/13 so taking off the 12th is not doable. Congratulations in advance! Larry

P.S.--When do you stop working at Pinkham? Have been meaning to stop by.
Hey Larry, that's no problem. I'll be at Pinkham until August 13 so you are more than welcome to drop by. You will (and VFTT) receive a few appropriate responses to the climb and some pix.

The 48 climb is being postponed.

In a turn of events, my scoutmaster who got me hooked into hiking will also be doing his 48 and we have decided to do them together.

This should free up people in the fall from summer vacations and be able to make
it at some point.

The mountains will be the same, but dates will be planned for the fall.


Best wishes to you. Hope all goes well.
New date


I am looking to finish on 25 September on Twins or Zealand. The logistics are in need of some experiential feedback. Judging on the mileage from Zealand trail thru the Twinway and down North Twin trail, it's a long day of 14.5 miles. What if I started on North Twin, hiked out to Zealand and double backed? How arduous of a day would that be?

Thanks, I'll be getting back on a time and other logistics. A summit celebration and post hike dinner will be warranted.


Hashed out plans..


I will be doing a traverse to Guyot the first night, September 25 and doing a summit push the next day.

26 September is the date, all are welcome to meet my dad and brother on the top of North Twin with libations and well wishes.

If anyone cannot make it those days, I will be doing Adams up the Airline on the 24.

