Roberts Faraway Mts 01/19/2013

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Jan 1, 2005
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Waltham, MA Jazzbo & Marty meet Bigfoot on Kenne
Needed a short good workout for 1/2 day outing. Settled on Roberts & Faraway Mts in Ossipee Range. Good choice! The trail up to Mt Roberts is steep and offers stunning views of Lake Winni. Snow pack is light and well consolidated. Trails are in good shape. there are number of blowdowns on the carraige road up on the ridge between roberts and Faraway. None are very big and all easily bypassed, but there is some blowdowns will need cutting or dragging when snow permits. I followed the spur trail out to tower on Faraway. Nobody goes out there except moose whose tracks were all over. Lots of open spruce and hobble bush nice winter habitat for them critters. It was bit over 8 miles RT. Descended by Faraway Mt Trails and Cold Spring Trails. also in good condition.

BTW snow may be shallow at TH, but up on ridge it is deep enough to merit snowshoes, so bring them along if you go. I was thinking of leaving them in car, but I was glad i had them when I was up top.
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