Rocky Peak Ridge, Giant from E and road loop (8/20)

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The trails were generally still damp and oozing from rain earlier in the week but very few spots where effort was required to avoid the mud. The shoulder of Rocky Peak Ridge (RPR) had the usual two muddy spots. There was some minor blowdown on the trail, mostly before and after Bald Peak. In some places the brush had grown in onto the trail (mostly between Bald and RPR) but again, little effort to make ones way through. Nice blueberries on the summit of Bald and shoulder of RPR. Descended to Rt73 via Ridge (Zander Scott) trail which has been much improved in the past year or two. Hike along the road dry and only tense moment came when I was nipped by a loose dog along Rt 9 (no broken skin).

Map and pics

Cliff Reiter ([email protected])