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Beautiful day for a hike on the last day of summer. Eight of us searching for the elusive canister on Rocky. Started at Denning parking lot and followed the fisherman's path along the Neversink. Near the headwall of the river valley took a turn to the south to begin the climb up to Rocky. Paused to admire a few gigantic hemlocks near the bottom of the mountain. Stayed pretty much on our bearing until we hit the thick spruces within about 100 vertical feet of the summit. Then it was a free-for-all of crashing, tripping, poking, and scratching until finally an excited yell that could only come from someone successfully locating a canister was heard...

Had lunch at the summit and found a nice view of Friday, Balsam Cap, and Ashokan High Pt. then headed back down the way we came up.

Trails almost completely dry - found one really nice spring near the base of Rocky. Weather was perfect - almost too warm with no breeze at times. Leaves across the valley high on Slide are becoming very colorful.

Some daring souls finished the hike with world class full body dunks in the 40 degree waters of the Neversink.

S&J emerged from the forest into the parking area and were greeted by their hiking party and the first drops of rain from a thunderstorm that had been rumbling over Slide. Jessica (J) finished Rocky for #38 of 39 (including required winter peaks) - now on to Kaaterskill High Peak.