Date of hike: 6/8/2008
Trail Conditions: By and large excellent. Stream crossing very easy. Waterbars have been very recently cleaned, blowdowns dealt with. There are a few areas along the brook where the spruce have seriously encroached on the trail; I hope the maintainers plan a second trip to give the spruce a haircut.
Special Equipment: Lots of water on a hot day, DEET useful.
Comments: Hot, hazy and humid. Visibility decent through haze, saw remains of snow on Mount Washington. Nice breeze on summit, when it dropped we were attacked by black flies. Worse heat was when we returned to the car, parked in the sun
Trail Conditions: By and large excellent. Stream crossing very easy. Waterbars have been very recently cleaned, blowdowns dealt with. There are a few areas along the brook where the spruce have seriously encroached on the trail; I hope the maintainers plan a second trip to give the spruce a haircut.
Special Equipment: Lots of water on a hot day, DEET useful.
Comments: Hot, hazy and humid. Visibility decent through haze, saw remains of snow on Mount Washington. Nice breeze on summit, when it dropped we were attacked by black flies. Worse heat was when we returned to the car, parked in the sun