Gorgeous Day in the Whites. Drake's Brook still fairly high, but the crossing is fine. Trail in mostly dry and good condition. There were a few blowdowns near the steep pitches but nothing bad. Patches of snow starting around 3k and pretty continous rail of snow the last half mile, but it was soft and not steep terrain; we all did fine in trail shoes. You can avoid some of it.
Views from the top much better than advertised ( I had been there once before but in winter) and the trail is lovely, lots of easy pine-scented terrain with ledges and a few steep rocky sections. Kind of a mellow ridge wqalk.
I would suggest bug spray; we were ok on the way up and there was a good breeze up high, but for the last few minutes on the descent the bugs were vicious. Seemed to come out in the late afternoon.
Jennifer and family
Views from the top much better than advertised ( I had been there once before but in winter) and the trail is lovely, lots of easy pine-scented terrain with ledges and a few steep rocky sections. Kind of a mellow ridge wqalk.
I would suggest bug spray; we were ok on the way up and there was a good breeze up high, but for the last few minutes on the descent the bugs were vicious. Seemed to come out in the late afternoon.
Jennifer and family