Santanoni, Couch, Panther 1/28

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Jan 12, 2010
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Saratoga Springs, NY
Read a few of the reports from last week, and decided to give a three a try. Of course, conditions change daily, much less weekly, so we got what we deserved. Upon arriving at Bradley Pond to pick up the herd path, there were no tracks going across, so it was route finding and trail breaking all the way to Times Square. Met up with another hiker "Don" who was going to Couch, and we went to Santanoni. Divide and conquer. Broke trail all the way to the summit, and had a nice sidewalk for our return with the 5-6 groups who went up behind us. Headed for Couch next, met Don about 15-minutes from TS, and he said it should be smooth sailing for us, and we told him the same for Santanoni. Routine Down and back to Couch with the emphasis on the down. The Garmin says it's an 800-foot vertical decent from TS before you climb up to the summit at Couch. U-turn and back to TS. Over to Panther which was completely stomped out by time we made it there. Snowshoes worn all day, though someone decided to bare-boot from the lot to the Bradley Pond LT, and post-holed his merry way the entire route. I understand the good Lord didn't see fit to distribute common sense equally, but seriously if you are post-holing every 25-feet don't you think you should take those shiny new snowshoes off your pack and put them on your feet? They're much more effective when on your feet.