Santanoni, Old-New-Trail older trip reports

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Sep 8, 2003
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On Monday July 16, 2007 we climbed to Santanoni Mountain – 4607’- via the Old New Trail. It was a perfect day and a perfect route for my friend historical 46th. It did entice me to go back into my small collection of older guide books where I found the following trip reports which may be of interest following the Open Space Institute new acquisition of a magnificent parcel of land for all of us to enjoy.

- Walter Collins O’Kane 1928 “Trails and Summits of the Adirondacks” which contains a map detailing our route and a black and white picture of Algonquin standing beyond Henderson taken high up from this particular route: “Mount Santanoni, not an easy mountain to climb, but one of the best. Standing in a vast wilderness and looking out upon a varied array of lakes and peaks. The route to the top is essentially the same as that followed by Colvin and his guides in 1872. It was opened as a trail about 1895. (…) It is not an easy trip and should not be undertaken by any one unfamiliar with woods travel. (…) the last 2 miles, representing the real climb, are accomplished by way of a blazed trail that is sometimes obscure and often crooked and uncleared. (…) As the trails nears the summit there are occasional vistas through the diminishing scrub. Finally on the crown of the mountain the tramper is afforded a complete panorama, except a small section in the Southwest, where a wooded and slightly higher knoll obstructs a small part of the view. There is crooked trail that gives access to this knoll, but the view from the open crown first reached is sufficient to command full interest.”

- Russell M. L.Carson 1927 edition of “Peaks and People of the Adirondacks” shortly mentions our Old New trail as well: “At the foot of the mountain the trail is very blind from the flooding by a beaver dam, but above is in good condition, although it has not been cut out recently. It follows approximately the route by which Dave Hunter and Hank Parker guided Colvin to the top, September 27, 1872, and was cut out for the Tahawus Club about thirty years ago.”

- Robert S. Wickham in his 1924 “Friendly Adirondack Peaks” wrote “I agree with Marshall as to the beauty of the views, and that there are worth any trouble to get. Never before, from any Adirondack peak, have I seen such a broad expanse of wild country. (…) The immensity of the region impresses one more from Santanoni than from any other peak. (…) We discovered a trail leading down to the East, towards Santanoni Brook.”

- The blazed path became a “real trail” during the 1930’s when it was built as such by the C.C.C. during the Great Depression. -
Due to the historic significance of this old trail and this post, I'm copying it to the NY Section, and closing it here so folks can locate it in both spots.
Really nice job, Christine.

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