Santanonis 6/26

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20% chance of rain this year means an all day deluge. Road that had been significantly washed out last month is in far better shape. Trail to the Santanoni herd path was, as expected given 3+ days of rain, wet. Not particularly muddly, but in some areas simply a stream. A few blow down on this section. Brook was very high (higher than during snow melt last month). All rocks completely submerged, so I just waded, thigh deep, as I was already soaked. Path from Santanoni to Times Square--mostly under water with large deep puddles. Times square also under water. Herd path to Couch--soft and pleasant. Swamp seemed easy after all the other water hazards. Met 8 other people and a dog braving the rain on the way back from Couch. Panther was wet, but again, less obviously so than rest of trail. Path down the brook to Bradley Pond mosty rushing water with a final sketchy crossing. Wet walk out. 5 minutes from the trail head, the sun came out, of course. Will be wet up high for the next few days, I expect. Spent 9 1/2 hours musing on dry socks