Santanonis (Couchie)

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Sep 7, 2003
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Lake Luzerne, NY & New Paltz, NY
Anyone going in to the Santanonis the weekend of Jan. 24? I would like to join up with a group to try for Couchie (managed to get to the top of Santanoni and Panther last year).
Please email me or respond here if you're going.

Wayne O.
No crowds on Couchie!!!

I can't help but thinking - Your thread is a lot like Couchie - lonely and nobody wants to revisit it!!!!:D
Lowly Couchie

I wanna go! But I can't make it until the week after that... or Feb. 20-22. I was up near Couchie in November, but lost the trail and ran out of time. Since I was solo, I didn't want to get caught up there after dark. Good luck on the 24th. -ALG
Couch 2/20?

Sorry I can't make it this weekend either, but I may be able to swing it the weekend of 2/20. Anybody interested?
drweo (and anyone else),

Looks like I'm gonna go do Couchie and Santi next weekend-Feb 6-8. Let me know if you're interested and we can discuss details.

(I'm posting a new thread on this trip, too, just to see if anyone else picks up on this.)

Couchie, Sant & Pant

I'm planning on hiking the Santas Feb 28-Mar 1 with a friend and anyone else who wants to come along. PM if interested. -ALG

I'd like to give it a shot. I'm waiting to hear back from drweos. Let me know if you're interested. Looks like ALgonquin will be back there and if memory serves me another group will be giving it a try. The more the merrier.


I have contacted another group aboup climbing the Santi range on Saturday. I only need Couch. I definately want to climb but need a partner. Are you interested?
Alistair, I sent you a PM. I'll get back to you further tomorrow.


PS we're looking for anyone else interested in Couch this coming weekend.
Remember the Lords of Hiking: the Fellowship of the Range thread in the Trip/Events section? So far we're a group of 9 (everyone on this list: Allistair, Wayne, Peak_bgr, Bushwacker, Jean, Rick, Leduc, Julie, me, will receive an update via email tomorrow evening) and we will climb the range this Saturday, Feb 28.

If anyone else interested, post here or email me at [email protected]

It's gonna be an alpine start (5AM Upper Works) and if we're a big group enough, we will split the team at Times Square to get better chances of completing it all. Again, read the LOTR thread.

5 am ?

it will take dynamite or worse for me to make an "alpine" start. I did make it to Upper Works by 7 am a week ago for Christine and Alex's celebration hike.

Lord help me. Maybe Bilbo could escort me.

Thanks Meo.

I just realized that the old threads are gone. Snif! My LOTR messages were quite fun. I think...:D

Anyway, the goal is still the same as planned since 3 weeks: The Santa Range this coming Saturday. Meeting at UW at 5 AM. We're 9 so far. Others welcomed (AIG? Pvon?).
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Pvon, you replied while I was writing my previous message :)

Some people in the group will be slower, if you start later you'll certainly catch us up, don't worry! So we're now 10, great!

Jean was thinking about carrying overnight gear to Bradley Pond lean-to just in case. Others (me included) are optimistic and prefer traveling light and push the limits in a single day. Some will sleep in a "nearby" motel (what is the nearest accomodation by the way:confused: ), Rick will spend the night at a relative's home, some will (illegally, shhhh:eek: ) sleep in the car.

My question to all: what would you prefer/suggest?

I won't be able to reply until tomorrow (Monday) evening, keep posting!

To all,

I would like to join this group or a splinter of the group (DRWEO, I'll send you a PM) on Sat-Sun (Feb 28-29) for a Couchie/Santi attempt. Problem is...I will not make it for meo's early start. I work until 10pm Friday night and am a little under the weather right now so I doubt I'll have the energy and time for a day trip to bag these two peaks.

So instead, I'm planning to try for a Sat 9am start with an overnight at BP LT or at the bivy area above BP around 3300'. Probably summitting both Couchie and Santi on Sat with an easy out on Sun morning. Will be travelling with my friendly and strong climbing partner, Dakota (dog). Anyone who is interested in this alternative let me know. In advance, I'd like to thank meo and company for blazing this path that I will be following. Sorry I can't help break trail, that is unless anyone is that slow, in which case I will be happy to take my turn.

here's hoping for success!

We're on for what will be a long day tommorrow. Should be 10 or so people from various groups or as individuals headed for one or all of the three. May St. Anthony be kind to us all, the snow not too soft or wet and the spruce traps not sprung to tight.

Here's to everyones success and happy trails

Good luck this weekend, everyone.

Can you guys post what you find up there? I'm thinking about taking a shot at Santonini/Panther next Saturday (one of the two, maybe both depending on time)...any "realtime" info you could offer would be appreciated....

Any insights on the entire effort would be appreciated, as well. Thanks.

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