Santi and Couchie March 19/20?

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Sep 4, 2003
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Albany. Avatar: Dakota on Allen's summit
Depending on conditions, planning the following:

Hike into Bradley Pond LT or possibly the bivy site around 3300' Friday afternoon, March 19th.

From there on Saturday the 20th: Couchie and Santanoni and then out that evening.

If conditions look exceptional then I may camp near Upper Works/Allen Trailhead on Friday night and go light for a day hike on Saturday to Couchie and Santi.

PM me or email me if your interested. I hike at a good pace but I'm not Pin Pin either (one of a kind!). Also, Dakota, my Australian Cattle Dog will be joiing me. She is a great companion, friendly, strong and has exceptional trail etiquitte so no fear if your are a dog friendly hiker.
don't miss panther!

we won't be joining you for the hike, but you don't want to miss Panther :) it was a short easy hike with a rewarding view, especially if you're already at times square. check out the other posts on the trip last weekend; we had a great time up in the mountains.
Thanks Mark and Kelly,

Actually, this will be my third trip into the Santanoni's since the fall. I got Panther on my first trip and got skunked on my last trip 2 weeks ago to try for Santi and Couchie (long story). Now with all this snow this week, with more forcast for Friday, and going in solo on an unbroken trail, I'm not sure I'll be able to do this trip. Hopefully others will be interested in joining me to trade off breaking trail. :D

Thanks for the thoughts and the suggestion.

