Saturday, April 9

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Oct 22, 2004
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Massachusetts Avatar: "Heads or tails?!"
Well...if the weather holds out (I will not do this if we have torrential downpours), these are some hikes I am thinking about for Saturday...

I need to get off my butt and start hiking againg...hope to finish my 48 (30 to go) by 40th birthday on 10/9...six months to go.

This Saturday I am considering three possible hikes...

Whiteface and Passconaway via Blueberry Ledge, Rollins and Dicey's Mill

Field, Tom and Willey via Crawford Notch

Mount Waumbeck via Starr King

If anyone would like to join me I would love to hike with some VFTT'rs.

I usually hit the trailhead around 7am, but will consider going a little later.

Let me know...
I read some of the trail condition reports for this past weekend, there seems to be alot of wet snow. What are the trail condition projections for this weekend? I am curious about the Sandwich range and souther pemi
Puck -

I am hearing a lot of wet snow...there is early talk of a major rainstorm this Friday/Saturday. I am trying to avoid trails with major water crossings...I am leaning towards the Field/Willey/Tom idea...I figure I will be snowshoeing most of the day as the temps have been warmer.

Love your signature!! :D
Hum, finishing up by your 40th birthday, let's see, I have 5 extra days, and 7 fewer peaks, I think that is a great idea!! If you are interested in hiking Waumbek I would like to go. I have hiked the others several times over, but have never been up Waumbek. Early is fine for me.
Chinooktrail -

I am leaning towards Waumbek...I have not been out much and a shorter hike would probably be best. Reasonable rain is not a problem but I will probably pass if there will be torrential downpours.

The plan is to hit Mount Jackson on 10/9...if the rest of my life allows for me to bag 30 peaks before then! I have a pretty ambitous plan for May which if I get that done Iwill be in real good shape.

Please feel free to send me a private message regarding this Saturday.
Waumbek it shall be - april 9

The weather forecast for Saturday looks half decent...20 % chance of rain sounds a lot better than torrential downpours. I plan on hitting the Starr King trail between 7 and 7:30am to hike Mount Starr King and Mount Waumbeck. I think chinooktrail will be hiking and all are welcome.