Trailwrights will be leading this hands-on workshop. We will be performing the second phase of the trail improvements to the N. Kearsarge Trail on the north side of Hurricane Mtn. Rd., approximately 1.5 miles east of NH 16 in Intervale. This primarily will consist of using gravel to harden the first 100 yards of the trail from the parking lot using wheel barrows, rakes and shovels. We also may do some drainage work a bit farther up the trail. No experience necessary and we provide the tools. This is a great opportunity for those needing hours with the Trailwrights who live on this side of the state or western Maine and cannot readily get to our regular work days in the Franconia area. Bring a lunch, water, sturdy boots and gloves. Meet at 8:30 at the trail head parking lot. More info, email brucedottie125atgmaildotcom.