Save the Date, 2013 ADK BBQ!!!

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The group area we have at the campground isn't divided into sites, per se. We just move in and pitch our tents anywhere in the area. The campground will be charging a per person rate, like in the past. But, this year, it will be $8, (what a difference a little comma makes) up from $6 per night. Still a pretty good deal. There's no need to reserve in advance. Just tell Janet when you check in you're with the BBQ.

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I'll be up that weekend but staying in Minerva, up Thursday afternoon. Friday planning on hiking Seymour unless raining. (Had enough of that on Seward & Donaldson ) Might opt for a trip in the rain up towards Flowed lands.

Saturday thinking the classic RPR & Giant from Route 9 (again if not raining) but if beat, I might stop at RPR. If I remember correctly, this is not too far from camp.

On Sunday, depending on mileage on the body the prior two days & the week before's actual hiking (from either trail, hiking or Long Trail's ;)) could end up at Vanderwhacker, Round & Noonmark, Sawteeth, Cliff or Macomb & maybe East & South (although the Macomb & Cliff options seem unlikely unless there's no hiking Friday & Saturday or beverages :rolleyes:)
Hi I am going to try to make it over this year (barring work issues and weather dependent), would be interested in RPR and Giant, possibly spot a car and hike from one end to the other on Saturday?

Nice to know we can get something to eat on Friday night at the campground this year. Make its easier for us late arrivals
I PM ed you but since I don't know where A club is, I woul expect we drop a car off at the westerly trailhead and drive over to Chapel Pond and then pick up the car at the Pond after the hike. But I am flexible
I hadn't even thought of ascending from Route 73 and descending over RPR and ending on 9N. I replied back to your PM. In that case, the Chapel Pond start has the higher starting elevation although it's a steady climb for most of the trip. I know I'll be slow on the way up but it's not too many miles up and it's then 9 miles out, with most of it down. It's a nice ascent of RPR from Giant where as the reverse (from RPR to GOTV) is fairly steep.
Mike and I have firmed things up a bit. We will drop a car off at Rt 9 N at the Rocky Peak Ridge Trailhead and then drive over to either Chapel Pond of the Ausable Club road to climb Giant than head east. We haven't firmed up a start time but it will be early so this hike may not be conducive to the late night early partiers.
Of course, if you're fast enough to catch us, we will drive you back to your car. providing you catch us. You can PM me if you want my cell # I suspect that up high, we will have good reception. Heading East, we'll likely start at Chapel Pond.
Just picked up a mixed 6 pack of Long Island beer minus 1 but added a Captain Lawerence (sp?) teejay, I'm coming up with a boat but might be paddling the Saranacs early Sat morning. I'll do my best to get there early but don't wait for me. I can hopefully paddle on sunday before going back home. Leaving early tomorrow, going to Long Lake will be away from the computer.
I brought corn on the cob 2 years ago (didn't attend last year) and it seemed to go over well. Will there be grill space if I do that again?

Anyone interested in hiking Lyon & Averill on Saturday?
Unless peakbagger disagrees, (I sent him a PM also) we are going to meet at the Route 9 trailhead at 7:30, or leave close to 7:30 from there for Chapel Pond. Will start from Chapel Pond & descend to Route 9 over RPR & Bald Peak. Total distance is about 11.25 miles. I'll be slow uphill but I've seen the views from GOTV already so I don't need to look at them very long. (They are amongst the best for those who have not been)

Doing Seymour Friday & will be available only by cell after 12:00 on Thursday, Peakbagger has my number & if you PM me before 11:30 AM, I'll give it out. Not camping at the campground but if someone looking for a hike Sunday let me know.

I'm staying just south of the High Peaks. In a perfect world I'll feel fresh enough Sunday for Cliff (with an early start) but could have my arm twisted to do Macomb & South Dix, Vanderwhacker or Goodenow.
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Hey, we're local and would like to join you for Giant /RPR on Saturday, if that's OK. We can meet you at 7:30 at New Russia, or if we end up being late we can meet you at 7:45 at Chapel Pond. See you Saturday!
Great, looks like a great day for this or any other hike. I have black Honda Civic hatchback with a an AT boundary marker in the side window.
Thanks to the hosts and the weather forecast for such a good event. A bit mellower than years past but it was good to see those who attended.

I am somewhat surprised these days that such a well run event are not attended b y more folks. Hard to beat the company and the local expertise available at these events