Sawteeth 1-31-2009

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Began the hike from the parking lot at 8:30 below the Ausable Club. It was 8 degrees. At the gate, we put on our snowshoes and kept the on the entire day. We made it to the end of the Lake road by 10:00 and crossed over the bridge to begin our ascent. We wanted to go up the Scenic route, and come back via the Weld trail, but as the Scenic route was not broken and we were lazy, we followed the broken Weld trail. The trail was well broken by the hikers ahead of us. Rainbow Falls was beautiful and completely frozen with blue ice. Made our way up to the Gothics/Sawteeth col, had a quick lunch and then made our way up the last half mile to the top. Temp at top was minus 5 degrees. Beautiful views of the Great Range and also of Nippletop, Dial, Dix and Giant. Attempted to go down the Scenic trial, but as we were not sure if it was the Scenic trail and may have been the Trail to Upper Ausable Lake instead, we turned around and went back the way we came. Quickly made it back to the Lake road by 3pm. Got back to the car and headed to the Lake Placid Brewery for Ubu's, wings and hamburgers.

Special Equipment: Snowshoes and Poles. Crampons not necessary.

A great day on Sawteeth.