Sawteeth area

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Lefty E

Active member
Jan 28, 2010
Reaction score
at Madison summit
Looking at the maps and the NG map in particular, I was wondering if one wanted to tag Sawteeth, Gothics, Armstrong, and the Wolfjaws, would the best bet be to hit trail #35, go left on 37, or continue on 36 and go up and over 37?? and then come out 32 or 33? thanks lefty e
Trail 36 is the Scenic Trail. That’s usually considered to be pretty slow and difficult. Very steep, some ladders, so it would be slow-going. It would be worth descending, though, because it is rather scenic, with several numbered viewpoints. I suppose they would be more dramatic seen in an ever-higher as opposed to ever-lower manner, though. When we climbed Sawteeth, we went up the Weld Trail (35), turned left to cross the summit, then descended the Scenic Trail. We got back to the car after nine o’clock, but we hadn’t gotten a particularly early start. Plus, my son was seven years old, and he got a blister that needed patching early in the day. We still made it to the Noonmark Diner in time to get supper.

Right after we climbed Sawteeth, it was hit hard by Hurricane Floyd, so the trail may have been rerouted, I don’t know.

We climbed Trail 34 up the back side of Armstrong at the beginning of that vacation, and I made it to the Gothics-Armstrong col before going back to join the others. It goes along the edge of a cliff, and I didn’t want my son there, and as some rain had begun anyway, we turned back. That trail wouldn’t enter into your equation, and I’m afraid I haven’t been on any of the others on that side of the Great Range.

I don't think I have the ADK NG map, and if I do, I can't find it!! When we did that loop a few years back, I'm pretty sure we went up the Weld Trail, did and out and back to Sawteeth, then continued over Gothics, Armstrong, Upper and Lower Wolfjaws and then went down the trail between the Wolfjaws. Unfortunately, I don't remember how long it took us (it was a long hike) but definately do-able :) Other things I seem to remember.........there is a pretty large drop-off along the trail that requires climbing down a ladder (if you go the same direction we did). Nothing scary at all, but I remember walking along, looking around and then all of the sudden I'm at the edge of a cliff! Beautiful hike though, have fun! also, you might find some answers on

I don't think I have the ADK NG map, and if I do, I can't find it!! When we did that loop a few years back, I'm pretty sure we went up the Weld Trail, did and out and back to Sawteeth, then continued over Gothics, Armstrong, Upper and Lower Wolfjaws and then went down the trail between the Wolfjaws. Unfortunately, I don't remember how long it took us (it was a long hike) but definately do-able :) Other things I seem to remember.........there is a pretty large drop-off along the trail that requires climbing down a ladder (if you go the same direction we did). Nothing scary at all, but I remember walking along, looking around and then all of the sudden I'm at the edge of a cliff! Beautiful hike though, have fun! also, you might find some answers on

I believe this is the ladder of which you speak. :) It's on the descent of Armstrong, heading toward Upper Wolf.

PA Ridgerunner - That is definately the spot! Nice picture of it!
Something good to be aware of if you are ever night hiking in the area!!

Lefty E - map stealer. ;)
I believe this is the ladder of which you speak. :) It's on the descent of Armstrong, heading toward Upper Wolf.


That ladder hung me up for like 30 minutes in the winter. I was descending towards UWJ, came to that cliff, and it was solid ice, covered in snow. No sign of the ladder. After carefully descending on the ice with my ax, I finally found the top of the ladder as was able to descend safely...

I concur that the scenic route up Sawteeth is scenic, but also very slow going. If you are planning to do the whole range plus Sawteeth, it will make a long day even longer- not a bad idea to go LWJ > Sawteeth and then make the determination at the end of the day whether you want the extra mileage or not.
That Armstrong ladder was in bad shape when we used it in 2000, then was completely gone for a while, until it was replaced. There’s another spot closer to the summit that my guide book described as having a cable, but there was no cable when we were there.

Cave Dog has a picture on his website showing himself jumping down the cliff.

The caption reads:

Cave Dog Jumping Off Armstrong

The ladders on Armstrong were taken down for replacement. So, Cave Dog jumped down instead.
Cave Dog has a picture on his website showing himself jumping down the cliff.

The caption reads:

Cave Dog Jumping Off Armstrong

The ladders on Armstrong were taken down for replacement. So, Cave Dog jumped down instead.

I briefly considered this option. I figure the snow would probably break my fall pretty well. But I was solo and there was only a few hours of daylight left, and I was pretty sure no one else was going to come down that trail again for a few days at least. Not the conditions one wants to risk a broken or twisted ankle in!
Thanks to you all for the info, we were able to finally hit the peaks via up Weld, up and back to Sawteeth then over the rest of them out via White trail...on Friday the 14th...excellent view day and getting to know the names/places much better...ran into 3 hikers on Sawteeth, 2 46ers finishing...very helpful on pointing out peaks etc...a nervous "vole" on Pyramid due to a minute later, curious weasel... 3 other hikers on ADK Range between Armstrong and Gothics... the ladder was solid...!then what we think was a Great Gray or Great Horned owl as we were close to exit......very enjoyable somewhat tiring day hike!! we will be back for others for sure!!