Sawteeth to Lower Wolfjaw - Feb 16, 2008

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Sawteeth to Lower Wolfjaw loop from Ausable Club

Date of hike: Feb 16, 2008

Trail conditions: Lake Road hard packer by snowmobiles. Dam to Sawteeth-Gothics col: well packed. Trail to Sawteeth: open with soft base and some blowdowns. Trail to Pyramid: 6 to 25 inches of deep snow, sometimes hard to follow (the markers are just few inches above the snow). Pyramid to Gothics: generaly hard snow, with some powder area (about 10 inches deep) and some ice - easy to follow. Gothics to Upper Wolfjaw: unbroken trail, difficult to follow in some places, 6 to 12 inches deep. UW to W Notch: open with soft base. W Notch to LW then to Lake Road: hard packed, excellent conditions.

Special requirement: Snowshoes and hiking poles. No crampons needed.

Comments: I did the entire loop with my brother and a friend, so now, the conditions are ok for the five peaks. We lost the trail in some places, especialy on the descent of Armstrong. We met a group of backpackers comming from The Garden (thanks for trail breaking on Upper Wolfjaw). Fantastic views all day long. 10:30 round trip.

Name: Dan