Sawteeth via Scenic Trail, Gothics

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Date of Hike: October 18th, 2008

Trail Conditions:
- Lake road (25) in excellent condition as usual.
- Scenic trail (36): somewhat difficult footing (many ups and downs), but surface is mostly dry and in good condition.
- trail down Sawteeth and over Pyramid to Gothics (35): some ice over rocks, proceed with care.
- Beaver Meadow trail from gothics to Lake road (34): some ice over rocks as trail 35, but it is not a big concern for adults and/or experienced hikers.

Everywhere: water crossings easy, very few blowdown.

Special Equipment Required: hiking poles useful, gaiters and crampons not necessary.

Comments: Scenic trail is worth the effort. Many beautiful lookouts, including side trail to The Marble.

Posted by: High-Clearance