Sawyer River Road open?

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Jan 28, 2006
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Merrimack, NH
Hello everyone,
I'm thinking about taking my wife up Carrigain this weekend, but I was wondering if Sawyer River Road is open yet? She really won't appreciate the extra miles so I'll probably choose another mountain if it's still closed.

- Bill
Well, I even wanted to hike the last weekend in april in there..I hope they do open it, for it will be May 1 when I hike out. -Mattl
When I was on my way up from Boston last Sunday to hike Carrigain as an overnight, I actually stopped in to the info center in Lincoln and asked the forest ranger guy there about road opennings (specifically Sawyer River rd). He said for many roads like that, they have a biologist (? - his actual words) go out and do soil samples, presumably to test for water content, etc. Then they determine when to open. He said usually not before mid-May, though.
Sawyer River rd was about 3/4 snow covered (with maybe 1 inch) on the way in on Sunday and almost completely clear of snow coming out on Monday. It's not a bad hike but does add 4 miles to the total round trip.

Two years ago, I had planned a "shake-down" hike/overnight to Sawyer Pond. It was scheduled for April 24th. We were planning on hiking the road (since we thought it would be closed and needed the extra mileage under out belts anyway), but discussed what we would do if it were open. We decided we would walk it regardless. Got there, and the road was open. No snow anywhere. We didn't drive up it though. Decided we really needed the feel of heavy packs and the extra mileage.

So they have opened the road early, but I wouldn't count on it.
This warm weather will definetly help, that combined with the relative low amount of rain this spring. I am crossing my fingers. -Mattl
If anyone is looking for an alternative to hiking the road, there is a faint trail that follows the Sawyer River that starts at the winter trailhead. It will take you almost to the cabin at the old Livermore town center. I'll see if I have some photos at home.
the trail Kevin mentions has plenty of boot prints on it last weekend. We hiked it in until it peters out and then headed just uphill to the road. There was about 1-2 inches of snow on the road but it was fading fast by the end of the day (last Saturday).

the road was gated, although while we were up on Carrigain, a truck had driven in and out (tire tracks). The camp there had smoke coming out of the chimney so someone was around. We surmised that maybe the FS let the owners drive in to move gear and then made them park out by everyone else. just speculation, of course.
