Scar ridge - a question.

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Jun 20, 2004
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Kennebunk, ME
I have been thinking long and hard about this hike. Little East Pond (yuk), Big Rock Campground, Loon Mt., East Pond trail height-of-land...The Kanc approach seems to be the consensus as the easier route. However, crossing the Hancock branch can be a pain, and probably impassable this time of year.
I remember seeing an old railroad grade/Mt. bike trail on the south side of the Hancock branch when staying at Hancock Campground last year. I assume it originates a Loon Mt.
So now the question (finally) has anyone been on this trail? How far around does this go? On a topo, looking at Hancock campground and Big Rock campground it seems this may be a viable option to get across the creek.
yogi said:
I have been thinking long and hard about this hike. Little East Pond (yuk), Big Rock Campground, Loon Mt., East Pond trail height-of-land...The Kanc approach seems to be the consensus as the easier route. However, crossing the Hancock branch can be a pain, and probably impassable this time of year.
I remember seeing an old railroad grade/Mt. bike trail on the south side of the Hancock branch when staying at Hancock Campground last year. I assume it originates a Loon Mt.
So now the question (finally) has anyone been on this trail? How far around does this go? On a topo, looking at Hancock campground and Big Rock campground it seems this may be a viable option to get across the creek.

I don't have an answer, but I might be interested in doing this hike with you. Let me know when you are planning to go.

I find it interesting that the Little East Pond Bushwack is so difficult. When I was doing the NE100 I did this trip in September 1986 and found it to be quite straight other words not that bad as far as blowdown.
I know that when I did this hike it was almost 20 years ago and Forests can dramaticaly change.I guess my question is does anyone know the event or events leading up to such nasty blowdown in that area? The first thing that comes to my mind that could have contributed to such a nasty bushwack would have been the Ice Storm of 1998.
I need this one too...I'd be interested in going along as well.

Well, I plan to do this hike on Saturday....May 14th, with my Fiancée and all are invited. Let me know and we can decide on a meeting place and time. My plan is to go from the Kanc., and I am really considering attempting a launch from Loon Mt. along Mt. bike trials/railroad grade as I am dreading the river crossing.
Thinking more about my original post, this railroad grade is likely the south end of the Wilderness Trail railroad bed. So it may not get as close as it would seem to Big Rock. But it would seem a logical approach and easier task than crossing a raging creek, or the dreaded "Little East Pond" trek.
I would investigate this and the level of the Hancock Branch first that morning, with a back up plan of East Pond trail to the Height-of-land and across the ridge.
loggin rd

If your thinkin about the logging rd opposite Wilderness trail head,I have been on that coming back from the Black mt bushwack ice climb on the black mt slide.I suppose you could go that way ,but you would go over Black to scar ridge,might not be worth the extra time and effort.Don'tall seeing the logging rd on the scar side of river,we just followed herd paths along a stream up to ravine,beautiful area especially in winter......MJ
yogi said:
I would investigate this and the level of the Hancock Branch first that morning, with a back up plan of East Pond trail to the Height-of-land and across the ridge.

Yogi - get an early start! The 3 1/2 mile round trip bushwack took us 7+ hours to complete. Most of the mountain is covered with blowdowns on top of blowdowns, with extremely thick spruce trees. We actually found the cannister while crawling under blowdowns - looked up and there it was.

Just plan on a very long dirty day. Take your time and have fun!
Scar Ridge bushwhack routes

From Big Rock Campground across Hancock Branch and up a steep ridge between two slides was reasonably open woods all the way. (NH AMC trip in winter, about 12 people; ca. 5 hours)

Remember the Little East Pond Trail depends on driving Tripoli Road (gated?)

From East Pond Trail height of land, I pushed across to East and Middle Scar ridge with little trouble (NHHH registers on 3 knobs, two claiming to be the real East Scar Ridge) from Middle to West Scar going was far more difficult in fairly thick spruce. A snowshoer, early in the day might make better time than we did (overall we had some fairly weak members in my group). Ended up descending the ridge down to Hancock Branch and crossing to the road rather than re-traverse the ridge. (NH AMC 3-season trip, about 12 people; ca. 12 hours). Wouldn't do it again with such a large group.

For what it's worth, I'd either wait for winter or for the Hancock Branch to go down a lot. Best of luck anyway and tell us how it went.

(formerly) bushwhack Bill
wait for winter

I agree,better winter hike,we lucked out and did it 4hrs in winter no prob...MJ
Like Bob said... Scar Ridge really soured me on bushwhacking after my first attempt, going up from Little East Pond. Made about 1/4 mile in an hour, walking at times on interlaced horizontal spruce, sometimes 8-10 feet off the ground! Yikes! I turned back and put the NEHH on hold for awhile. A few years later, though, I did it from the Kanc...about 7 hours round trip and nothing like the horror show on the other side. If you can get across that creek, you're golden. After Scar, the rest of the list is a breeze.
harryk said:
Let me know as well when you plan to do "Mt from HELL"..i also need this one,
word of caution though.,have also heard there are goldfish floating around up there :)...go figure eh :)....harryk

If anyone goes, please let us know how you make out.

Hey Harry, what about next weekend? The 22nd maybe?
Well I am going for it tomorrow. Although the weather may be a deciding factor. Misery is one thing, cold wet misery another. If I do cancel, we should plan a group trip in the near future. Next weekend?
I need to bag this peak before June 17th when I am in Baxter to finish the NEHH on Katahdin.
I'll keep you posted. And thanks for all the help.
I've always considered Scar Ridge to be one of the better bushwhacks :rolleyes:, and I've done a few over the years. One of my favorite 3-season approaches was the loop from Tripoli Road to the East Pond height-of-land, then follow the ridgeline all the way across to the NE100 highest peak. I recall some well worn herd paths in several areas along the ridge. Then we'd drop down to Little East Pond from the ridge col (on a tract pretty much similar to the Bob & Geri outline). Has the terrain really gotten that bad in the 10 or so years since my last visit there? No one seems to mention the other NH 100 highest that you've left behind and like Arnold ... you'll be back ;) !
Double Bow said:
Has anyone hear anything about how it would be coming from Loon's summit across the ridge? Still pretty dense?
I have always used the ridge route coming up East Pond Trail from the Kanc. One time we tried to slab back to avoid the first bumps but I think it was harder. One time we went all the way to Loon with a large group containing beginners and experts, there were thickets on the ridge but the worst could be dodged. That was 20 years ago and it may have grown up.