Semi Pemi Traverse Overnight this weekend

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Jan 14, 2005
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Doing an overnight Pemi traverse with Kltilton this weekend. Any and all are welcome but the pace will be moderate (i.e. 25% faster than book time).

Starting around noontime Saturday at Zealand Rd/Rt 302. Taking Hale Brook trail up and over Hale, Lend-A-Hand trail over to Zealand hut (bushwhacking past the river if necessary). Zealand trail up to Zealand. Twinway over to Bondcliff trail, to Guyot Campsite for the night.

Sunday morning: Bondcliff trail to West Bond, Bond, Bondcliff, and out Wilderness Trail to Lincoln Woods.
12.5 miles on day 1, 12.1 miles on day 2. We're expecting 11 hours of hiking total, barring any flooded trails and difficult river crossings. Knock on wood.

Should be fun. Wish us luck!
Good luck guys! Sarah and I will be thinking of you from our "secret summit" attempt of our own.

Al... did u make it up kinsmans to make this your 48th? Or will you still have the kinsmans left?

Still got the Kinsmans to go. Unless I sneak them in between now and noon tomorrow! :D

Had an amazing trip. Caught a sunset and a sunrise. Only saw 2 people during the entire trip (not including the 30 or so people at Zealand Falls Hut).

Trip report to follow.