Seward Range

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Left the car at 6:45 in the morning and used the Calkins Brook trail to reach the to of Donaldson. This trail was in very good shape and no new blow down from the storm that hit the north east last Saturday. Took us about 3.5 hours to reach Donaldson and then on over to Emmons. This part of the hike did have a lot of muddy sections but that was to be expected. Great views of Long lake along the way. Back at the top of Donaldson in about another 2.5 hours and then on to Seward. From Donaldson to Seward took us just over one hour and the trail was in good shape and dry for the most part. We elected to return over the top and come out at the Blueberry lean to and this trail was wet and muddy in sections. Took us about two 2.5 hours to reach the main trail and then the long walk to the got us back for a total of 12 hours of hiking.
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