Sewards via Calkins Brook: 8-30 to 9-1-08

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Gray Marshall

Hiked in from Corey's to camp at some flat spots after the herd path crossed Calkins Brook, well away from the brook. Calkins brook path relatively gentle slope (as compared with description of path up from Ward Brook trail), very soft underfoot; Seward ridge herd path had more mud, many more poking and scratching branches -- be careful for your eyes and face while looking down at the path for good foot placement! Only a couple of spots where the kids took a dead-end variant of the path, and then for less than a minute; most of it was perfectly obvious.

Weather was excellent, the views from Donaldson especially were magnificent, up on the summit rock just to the East of the path. Neat views from the rocky steep parts on the way up/down Seward. Views from Emmons nice to the South of Long Lake.

Bring plenty of water or filter to fill up; there was running water on the Calkins Brook herd path perhaps 25 minutes below the ridge trail junction.

